The original anime ‘Cowboy Bebop’ was broadcast on TV in 1998. The stylish visuals of the animation shocked everyone who saw it and it became a work that attracted attention not only domestically but also internationally including a live-action adaptation on Netflix. Along with the visuals the music by Yoko Kanno has also attracted attention. The first soundtrack ‘COWBOY BEBOP’ which includes the opening theme song ‘Tank!’ The music is vast and genre-less and is highly acclaimed both in Japan and abroad beyond the framework of anime music.”Music For Freelance”Radio free mars talk1Tank! / Seatbelts
Remix and additional production by Luke VibertRadio free mars talk2Forever Broke / Seatbelts
Remix and additional production by Fila BrazilliaRadio free mars talk3Cats on Mars / Seatbelts
Remix and additional production by DMX KrewRadio free mars talk4Piano Black / Seatbelts
Remix and additional production by Ian O’BrienCAT BLUES / Seatbelts
Remix and additional production by Mr.ScruffRadio free mars talk5Fe / Seatbelts
Remix and additional production by DJ VadimFantaisie Sign / Seatbelts
Remix and additional production by Ian PooleyRadio free mars talk6Space Lion / Seatbelts
Remix and additional production by 4HeroRadio free mars talk7