For those who appreciate clean lines and love the look and feel of industrial pipe and fittings this kit was designed with you in mind. Simple sturdy and oh so easy to assemble Pipe Decor’s 1 in. If youre looking to make an extra-long buffet table or study station for multiple learners simply order as many H Pipe Desk Legs or H Support Legs as your project requires. Industrial pipe is sturdy and can support a wide array of table or desktops. Beauty and beast. Strength and style. This is real industrial pipe for your creative design needs. Accept no substitutes. All our pipe and fittings come coated in a light industrial grease to prevent rusting. Clean and seal each piece before assembly to ensure that they stay rust-free. After cleaning seal the pipe with polyurethane spray to protect it from rust and scratches.

1 in. Heavy Duty H Round Flange Pipe Desk Legs – 2 Pack