Works for hp 962. High Page Yield: 962 xl fot hp ink cartridges combo pack provide up to 2000 pages each 962 xl black Ink Cartridge replacement for hp 962 black; 1600 pages each color 962XL ink cartridge compatible for hp ink 962xl color combo pack cyanmagentayello at 5% coverage on A4 paper. Reliable Quality: our 962xl ink cartridges combo pack are engineered with advanced chips and high quality inks to ensure fade resistant colour and provide consistent vibrant and smooth printing performance for hp 962 ink cartridges to all users. Note: If you receive a “update available” message from your printer please select the “Close” or Click “Home” button to avoid the firmware update. Our 962XL Ink Cartridges Combo Pack is a nice alternative to compatible for HP ink 962xl black and color combo pack.

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