Worried About Your Car Breaking Down And Getting Stranded While Youre Away From Home Add An Extra Level Of Safety To Your Life With The “Always Prepared” Emergency Road Assistance Kit Its sturdy well packaged and exactly fitting for its purpose: an emergency and heres what youll find inside: Emergency Items: Battery Booster Cables Reflective Safety Vest Self-Powered Flashlight 2 Light Sticks Emergency Rain Poncho Emergency Mylar Blanker High-Quality Reflective Warning Triangle Electrical Tape. Dont end up with a small bag full of cheplastic toys just to save a few bucks. Features: Life-Saving Robust Battery Jumper Cables: Made of 8-gauge copper wire this jumper cableswill get your car back on track in a snif you ever get stranded or if your car truck or RV breaks down on the road no matter if its summer or winter Ultimate Safety On The Road: Feel protected secure and Always Prepared with this vehicle emergency tool kit knowing that you and your loved ones are finally roadside emergency-proof. A Real All-In One Solution: This auto emergency kit comes in a small bag that fits anywhere in your trunk backseat or spare tire compartment. Its small well-organized effective and very useful in a variety of roadside emergency situations. Makes a Great Gift For First-Time Car Owners Father Mother Husband Wife Fianc Daughters Sons Nieces Nephews Granddaughters and Grandsons: Everyone should have one of these in each of their vehicles.

Always Prepared 62 Piece Roadside Emergency Assistance Kit with Jumper Cables – All-in-One Auto Visibility Safety and First Aid Essentials