The reliable C.FCT-1 is Foredom’s most popular foot operated speed control. It is made of heavy-duty plastic with durable solid state electronics. The ergonomics allow precise and reliable speed control with your foot. For use with 115 Volt M.SR M.SRB M.SRH and M.SRBH motors. CSA Listed. Can also be used with these discontinued motors- Series CC and DD Series L and LB Series F Series PG and 1/8 Horsepower Series S SB SR and SRB motors. It is interchangeable with Foredom’s C.SCT-1 and C.EM-1 controls. The C.FCT-1 can also used with a Dremel 732 flex shaft tool to vary speed. .- Sze 7″ X 4.5″ X 2.4″ Inches 177 X 114 X 60mm .- Cord length 74″ Inches 3 prong plug Grounded plug length 16″ Inches long .- 110 Volts 4 amps/60 Hz
- The reliable C.FCT-1 is Foredom’s most popular foot operated speed control
- The ergonomics allow precise and reliable speed control with your foot
- For use with 115 Volt M.SR M.SRB M.SRH and M.SRBH motors
- It is interchangeable with Foredom’s C.SCT-1 and C.EM-1 controls