The ultimate neoprene mud riding wader period. The GATOR WADERS Evo1 Wader gets its name from being the evolution of mud riding waders. Pockets on the outside of waders become useless after the first deep mud hole. So they put a fleece lined hand-warmer pocket on the inside of the wader and a flip out dry goods pocket large enough for your keys wallet phone chapstick and other essentials. The Gator Waders bib-cut design allows the same high-rise protection but now offers more freedom of your shoulders and arms meaning more comfort. The new hook-n-ladder strap system is the final touch to a bomb-proof system. There are no buckles to break and no velcro to get caked with mud. Welcome to the future of mud riding!
- The ultimate neoprene mud riding wader the Gator Waders Evo1 Offroad Wader gets its name from being the evolution of mud riding waders SMART POCKETS
- The Evo1 waders from Gator Waders feature pockets on the inside part of them to keep everything valuable dry and clean BIB-CUT DESIGN
- Bib-cut design allows the same high-rise protection but now offers more freedom of your shoulders and arms meaning more comfort NO BUCKLES VELCRO
- The length adjustment can be in front of you instead of the over-the-shoulder reach that can be not that convenient for most users