Encourage martins to establish a colony in your yard by adding this Heath Aluminum Two-Story Premium Martin House to it. These migratory birds are often a welcome resident in a bird sanctuary as they provide a bit of natural pest control by dining on insects as well as herald warmer months. This sturdy dual level shelter offers nesting sites for up to 12 martin families while the hexagonal shape creates ample triangular compartments for their safety. This design also places the 2.1875″ diameter entrance holes offset from one another diminishing porch territory disputes. Oblong openings in front of these entries provide drainage and plastic porch rails insert here for additional resting and preening spots. The plastic interior panels lock into place for straightforward and sturdy assembly while the aluminum exterior resists rust for a lasting shelter. The white tone of each wall also dissipates heat keeping nestlings cool and any warm air can readily exit through the top plastic cupola. A green six sided roof covers this domicile for protection from the elements enhancing the white of the body and your verdant garden. Each level of the home along with this roof separate readily for thorough nest checks and maintenance and are held in place on a pole via set screws for a unique showcase. Sturdy plastic stabilizers slide over an existing 1.25″ outer diameter pole not included to mount the home at the appropriate height and the compartments can be closed in the winter months by adding the included plastic door stops to them. This prevents more aggressive birds from overtaking the home when martins are not present. Reliable aluminum and plastic construction ensures this shelter becomes a fixture in your backyard bird garden and the interlocking design makes for streamlined assembly. Help young martins start a colony in your yard when you place this Aluminum Two-Story Premium Martin House in it. Assembly required. Made in the USA.

Heath Aluminum Two-Story Premium Martin House 12 Room