The “Ultimate” Network Transport: HiFi Rose RS130 Streamer Supports Fiber-Optic Ethernet and USB Transmission Inherently Blocks Noise Features Premium Components and Functionality Theres good reason why HiFi Rose brands the RS130 an “ultimate” network transport. Designed to be connected to an external DAC this flagship streamer completely blocks digital noise critical for high-res operations by way of supporting fiber-optic Ethernet and fiber-optic USB transmission. Both approaches block distortion and interference transmit and receive clean signals and preserve data integrity thanks to their innate resistance to electromagnetic interference. In RS130 these methods work in cooperation with a reference-grade OCXO clock that lends incredible stability accuracy and precision. The end result: Full frequency responsiveness magnificent tonal contrast three-dimensional imaging and massive dynamics from MQA up to native DSD512 and 32-bit/768kHz PCM and nearly every other codec imaginable. Inside the sturdy vibration-resistant and heat-dissipating aluminum chassis note the ventilation hole in the center of the top panel RS130 packs a linear power supply with super-capacitors that reduce noise to battery-like levels. CPU functionality owes to dual-core Cortex-A72 and quad-core Cortex-A53 processors with a separate NEON coprocessor. A dedicated NVMe 256GB SSD for built-in cache functionality complete with low latency and 4GB of memory is also on board. As is a slot for up to 4TB of internal storage. The proven HiFi Rose OS operating system and the companys signature audio architecture further put RS130 on a pedestal in terms of transparency clarity logistics and enjoyability. Youll also get intelligent connectivity courtesy of a host of outputs coaxial AES/EBU optical HDMI and IS2 included. Theyre on the back panel with Ethernet copper or fiber USB3.0 Fiber USB3.0 and USB-DAC connections. A pair of EXT clock inputs 50 and 75 invites you to connect a master clock with the goal of minimizing timing errors that occur between signal transmissions. Built-in support for TIDAL Qobuz Apple Music Spotify Rose Ready and other services in addition to Airplay DLNA Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity also comes standard. Ditto a remote control Rose app access and OTA update capability. Of course the exterior and huge 15.4-inch high-res LCD display that can show album art and HD videos adheres to the visual hallmarks that have helped distinguish HiFi Rose from the competition since it arrived on the high-end scene. Need to know more about RS130 or its cutting-edge transmission abilities

HiFi Rose RS130 Network Transport Black