Do you feel hands sticky because of usingepoxy resin/uv resin Do you distressed because there are smallanimals or babies at home and there is noindependent space to use epoxy resin Do you feel troubled by the long curing timeof epoxy resin which makes it impossible tocomplete the customer’s customized gift ontime JDiction ResinCrete can solve your troubles!!! Game Change for Resin Lovers!!! 1. Contains only powder and waterNomore hands sticky 2. Fast Curing No need independentspace 3. 2 Hours full curingTimely completionof customer customization requirements Resincrete Kit–satisfied with all your artistic creativity. What can you do with JDition Resincrete Kit Use our smooth Clear Casting and Coating base 10 : 3 mix could easily to get a perfectly transparent finish. Create personalized and specialized crafts as a gift designed and created on your own in Birthday New Year Valentines’Day and so on. Decorate your house or your own personal belongings using the resincrete/epoxy resin kit and make them unique. Warm Tips: Mix 10 to 3 base and water Must by weight NOT by volume . Keep out of reach of children. Always use epoxy resin/resincrete in well ventilated areas and don’t apply resin art finishes in direct sunlight.

JDiction ResinCrete 1000g Water Based Casting Resin for Beginners 20-30Minutes Demold Fast Curing Terrazzo Resin Self Leveling Easy Mix Casting