The Bathtime Fun bundle includes The Knee Elbow Saver for parent padding six Stacking Cups for open-ended play and a Bath Toy Bin to clean it all up. The two-piece Knee Elbow Saver provides protection from hard surfaces so you can worry less about bruising during bathtime. The elbow cushion suctions to the tub for easy leaning while the knee cushion protects your joints from fatigue. Fold away the Knee Elbow Saver when not in use or leave out. A set of six Stacking Cups promote open-ended play for splishing splashing and straining. The Bath Toy Bin keeps toys organized and dry between bathtime adventuresscoop up toys to easily drain water out of the bottom holes then stand up or secure with a cleat to the wall of your bath or shower. All products in the bundle are made from safe non-toxic materials that look good in any bathroom.

Lalo Bathtime Fun Bundle in Sage Size 3.5″ x 3.1″ x 3.7″