In an emergency situation you want to be prepared. With a Leatherman Surge Multi-tool in your pocket you can handle almost anything. One of Leatherman’s largest multi-use tools the Surge is equipped with 21 different tools for a wide variety of tough jobs. Among the many features built in are wire cutters for both hard- and light-gauge wire made with 154CM steel that will last nearly three times as long as regular stainless steel. It also includes a plain knife and serrated knife that are corrosion resistant and scissors that use a spring-action opening to reduce hand fatigue. Other useful features include needlenose and regular pliers can opener ruler and two screwdrivers. Best of all every tool can be operated with just one hand.
- Multi-tool built for tough jobs
- Includes pliers a unique blade exchanger and more
- A unique blade exchanger gives quick and customizable access to frequently used tools
- Filing teeth extend all the way to the edge of the blade for a larger filing surface
- Bit driver can be customized to fit any activity with its removable bit capability
- Having both regular and needle nose pliers makes grabbing and tightening projects easy