Our new LM-803 Cup holder mount height can be adjusted from 6 1/2″ to 8″ From the top of the adjustable base. The base can be expaded from 2 1/4″ to 3 3/4″ in diameter by turning the expansion knob. This package includes our new LM-803 Cup Mount and the LM-EXT-03 extension bracket with mic holder. Just clip the belt clip on your HT over the aluminum bracket for a secure fit. This mount will work with any HT or speaker mic as long as they have belt clips. The mount comes complete with the 5mm screw as well if you decide you want to mount your Yaesu FTM-100 FTM-300 FTM-350 FTM-400 or FT-891 instead of an HT. The microphone bracket will accommodate the button mount on the Yaesu microphone as well as a belt clip.
- Designed to perfection
- Sleek design
- Compact construction
- Seamless functionality