This essential food kit includes 120 nutrient packed servings. Enough to last you for 14-days at least or feed your family of 4 for 3 days. Enjoy our top sellers – Triple Cheese Mac Southwestern Medley Homestyle Scramble Hearty Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Chocolate Grain Crunch and Powdered Vitamin Milk. Comes with 6 stackable #10 cans – easy to store quick to prepare and loaded with all 40 essential nutrients to boost immunity build muscle and sustain energy. Kit contains 20340 nutrient packed calories. Be prepared with the world’s most nutrient-dense breakfast lunch and dinner meals for your family of 4 for 3 days with an average of 1453 calories per person per day. Start with Hearty Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal for breakfast Southwestern Medley for lunch and Triple Cheese Mac for dinner. Six delicious varieties to mix and match while you get through. Contains 20340 calories total. Age Group: adult.

Nutrient Survival Freeze-Dried 72 Hour Food Kit | Feeds Four