A Ready-To-Eat MilitaryMRE Type meal set that will give you nutrients and the caloric value good for a single person in a span of 4-6 days which can be eaten anytime and anywhere. Each meal set includes 1 towelette 1 non-dairy creamer 1 instant coffee military napkin and spoon 1 sauce/spread 1 fruit-flavored drink 2-3 dessert/side/dessert 1 bread/cracker and 8 oz entree. Packed in Military-Grade Waterproof and tamperproof XMRE bag.
- Condiment Kit Includes salt pepper non-dairy creamer sugar
- 11-3/4″ x 12-3/4″ Brown Napkin
- Moist Towelette w/Sanitizing Soap Solution
- Hot Beverage Bag
- Flameless Heater